WOW Alliance Flight Path

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Alliance Flight Paths

Southern Azeroth:

*Stormwind: This is the hub for all flight paths in southern Azeroth. Humans and Dwarves/Gnomes start with this flight path enabled by default. Night elves will need to reach the city on foot to unlock the flight path (for now, but this is changing soon). Enter the city, and take your first right after entering the trade district. Take another right and you're there. It's basically straight east from the city entrance - you can see the flights taking off on your right in the Valley of Heroes. This flight path also connects to Ironforge, the hub for Northern Azeroth.

Redridge: This is located in Redridge Mountains. If you are in Lakeshire, cross the bridge and it will be right past it on your right.

Darkshire: This is located in Duskwood. It's up the hill on the east side of town.

Westfall: This is located in Westfall. It's south and a bit east of Sentinel Hill. Hard to miss, but if you do, just ask in channel and someone is sure to help you find it.

Booty Bay: This is located at the southern most tip of Stranglethorn Vale. This is a HIGH level zone (currently), most mobs around here are level 35 or higher. Unless you are at least level 25, you will get very frustrated trying to get to this point alive if you're running from Duskwood. There are two easy ways to unlock this path though. The first is just to run there as a ghost, and take the exp rez at spirit healer (if you don't mind the exp loss). The second, preferred way is to go to Ratchet in The Barrens (on Kalimdor), and take the boat over. This is a VERY good flight path to have unlocked currently for Alliance characters, as it is the fastest way to get to Razorfen Kraul (which is currently THE place for level 30 groups to go).

Northern Azeroth:

*Ironforge: This is located in Dun Modr. It is the home city for Dwarves and Gnomes. Once you enter the city, follow the signs to the Hall of Explorers (it's basically directly across from the city entrance, running the circle). This flight path also connects to Stormwind, the hub for Southern Azeroth.

Loch Modan: I forgot the name of the city here, but it's marked with a flag on your ingame map. Go to the city, the griff guy is on the hill just south of town. Easy to find.

Menethil Harbor: This is located in Wetlands. It's the city on the west end of the map (on an island). Just take a look at your ingame map, it's easy to spot. If you're coming from Loch Modan, just follow the road west all the way. The griffon guy is near the docks. This is a great flight path to have, because you can fly here and immediately catch the boat to Darkshore on Kalimdor.

Refuge Pointe: This is located in Arathi Highlands. It's north of Wetlands if you follow the road past Dun Modr and through the Thandol Span. This is another HIGH level zone - mobs here are level 32 at minimum and up to 40 at least from what I've seen. There is a spirit healer at Refuge Pointe if you want to make the run as a ghost and take the exp rez to unlock this. There's no good reason to really though unless you are planning on hunting in this zone soon (in which case, you probably don't need to do the ghost run).

Southshore: This is located in Hillsbrad Foothills. It's not as high a level zone as Arathi Highlands, but it is still ill advised for characters under level 25 to run around here. The road is fairly safe, just follow the signs and you'll get there. You can also make the run as a ghost if you desire, there is a spirit healer in town.

Northern Kalimdor:

*Auberdine: This is located in Darkshore. This is the Night elf town, and where you end up if you take the boat from Menethil Harbor in Wetlands. It is also the "hub" for all flight paths in Northern Kalimdor. If you are a Human, Gnome, or Dwarf you will most certainly want to unlock this flight path immediately upon arriving. Take a right after exiting the docks from the boat, griff guy is up the ramp there.

Darnassus: This is unlocked for night elves by default, and is the Night elves capitol. For Humans, Gnomes, and Dwarves, it is pretty hard to get there currently. Basically you have to swim from Darkshore, but you will die from fatigue on the way. So you can either just swim it as a ghost and rez there, or "death hop" it if you have the patience and don't want to take the exp loss. Blizzard reps have posted that it will be easier for other Alliance races to get there after the next Beta push, so unless you have some strong reason to get there, you may want to just wait (and I found their "secret" way that they are going to put in to get there for other alliance races;)

Astranaar: This is located in Ashenvale. If you follow the road south from Darkshore, and just stay on the road, you'll get here. Griff guy is on your left right when you enter town. Anyone level 20 or above will find the run here trivial (I made it at 18 with no problems at all). Just stay on the roads. There is a rezzer in town if you're a really low level character and just want to unlock the flight path early.

Stonetalon Peak: This is in Stonetalon Mountains, at the NW corner of the map (it's marked by a house on the ingame map). The only spirit healer in zone is at Sun Rock Retreat in the SE corner of the zone (which is a Horde outpost, but it is safe for alliance chars to rez there, there are no guards). So it's really not advised for low level chars to bother unlocking this flight path early, it will take you a few hours to "death hop" up to it. Just come here when you're level 20+ and are able to do the quests here, and you'll have no problems getting to the griff guy.

Southern Kalimdor:

Thalanaar: This is actually located in Feralas, but for all purposes you can consider it on the west border of Thousand Needles. If you go to unlock this, do NOT go into the forest in Feralas. There are Guardians of Blizzard all over the border that will death touch you if you get anywhere near them. Some of them are invisible and you won't see them until you're dead. You've been warned;) I was able to scout this zone a bit using some "questionable" methods and I have a feeling it will be open next push:) This flight path is VERY good to unlock right now if you travel to Theramore at all.

Theramore: This is located in Duskwallow Marsh, which is currently closed to players. There are Guardians of Blizzard all over this zone, and every "aggro" mob has death touch. It is possible to reach here if you swim from Ratchet, and stay well away from the coast (where the Guardians of Blizzard are). There are random death touching merlocs scattered around the ocean around there though, so its STRONGLY advised you have some form of invis, otherwise it will take you several hours to "death hop" there. There is no spirit healer here, so travelling as a ghost is not an option. If you do decide to travel here, it is STRONGLY advised you unlock the Thalanaar flight path first, so you'll able to return here without all the hassle again. There are boats in Theramore that go to Wetlands and Darkshore, but they are one-way (you can leave, but you can't come back). I have a strong feeling that this town will be the "hub" for Alliance chars in Southern Azeroth, when they open alot of the zones that are currently blocked off down there. Once they open those zones, I have a feeling it will be alot easier to reach Theramore also. Oh, and for you WC3 fans, Lady Jaina Proudmoore is here, and is actually involved in a few quests
WOW: General: Alliance Flight Paths, by Dalien
