World of Warcraft Alterac Valley Mounts

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Not long after Prospector Stormpike and his expedition arrived in the Alterac Mountains, they began tracking the movements of these massive rams, hoping to tame them for use as beasts of burden. This proved to be no easy task, as the rams possessed the most cantankerous demeanor of any beasts the adventurers had ever come across. Even after the prospectors managed to wrangle the animals into pens, only one out of every fifty responded to training.
It is said that the Stormpike Rams reserve their loyalty for riders of the most exceptional character. It is also believed, however, that once this trust has been established the rams will maintain fierce devotion to their masters up until the very moment of their death.

Stormpike Battle Charger

Available to: Alliance
Requirements: Level 60, Riding (150)
Cost: 50

long ago, before the First War, the warlock Gul'dan exiled a clan of orcs called the Frostwolves to a hidden valley deep in the heart of the Alterac Mountains. These orcs befriended much of the indigenous wildlife, including the massive Frostwolf Worgs. These wolves proved to be not only swift, but deadly as well, helping the orcs turn the tide of countless battles throughout the years.
In recent times, after Thrall's successful uniting of the clans, the Frostwolf orcs have consented to share their beloved mounts with Horde members everywhere as a sign of solidarity. The worgs themselves have answered the call, and many Horde riders now count the wolves as their most trustworthy companions.

Frostwolf Howler

Available to: Horde
Requirements: Level 60, Riding (150)
Cost: 50

Qiraji Battle Tanks
Adventurers in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj may come across and obtain resonating crystals of various colors. These crystals emit a high frequency sound, forcing a silithid tank to burrow out from its home beneath the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. The silithid is obedient to the summoner and can be used as a mount within the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj only. Any hostile action towards the rider forces the tank underground.

Qiraji Battle Tanks

Requirements: Level 60, Riding (75)
Found in: Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Note: Can only be used within the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
