WOW Arena Matchups Guide,Druid/Warrior Arena Matchups Guide

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Druid/warrior is a very strong combo. The Premise lies in its ability to survive and outlast almost any team, while having a lot of versatility and survivability. The key to these matches is patience. Your warrior will be doing a lot of damage, but Burst-Gib dps teams only work with a double DPS setup, so be prepared to outlast any team.

My Spec:
I go 8/11/42: talent=0zjZVMhoZVcIxcq0xsx
While I feel that insect swarm builds (13/11/37) will be very strong, they are not my playstyle. I am a very, very defensive player, and losing the +heal from empowered rejuv and the other talents that you can choose is not worth it, at least to me. I can avoid LOS enough to where I don't need the extra range on cyclone and roots, although I can really see it helping, especially for new Druids. Don't be afraid to try the IS build, you may really like it better for your playstyle.

Basic overall Druid ideals:
Stay mobile and stick close to a pillar. A druid that stands still is a druid who is vulnerable to any number of CC/interrupts that can screw you over. Stick to your hoTs, and always be on the move to stay out of your enemy¡¯s Line of Sight. You should never, ever stand still except when you¡¯re casting cyclone and roots, always be trying to gain better positioning on pillars so you can break LOS if they decide to turn to you. Regrowth should almost never be used except on very rare occasions (You baited a counterspell and your partner is below 50% life and taking heavy damage, for example).

DR¡¯s=Diminishing returns
RNG=Random number generator. Basically the % that you¡¯ll get a proc. Usually used with mace stun/fear breaks, sometimes it¡¯ll happen all the time, sometimes it¡¯ll proc 3 times in a row/last 10 seconds, sometimes it won¡¯t proc at all/break immediately.
Pillar humping=Where you run around in a circle on a pillar, going to opposite direction the other teams players are going, so you avoid LOS/getting hit. Both you and your partnre need to learn how to do this.

Random things:
Blades edge drinking with pets: Get up top on the bridge, and jump down. The pet will have to path around the sides of the arena and then get to you, and you can get a few ticks in before it hits you. Cycloning/Rooting/banishing/fearing the pet up top means you can get a lot of extra ticks in.
Always use rank 1 roots to cast. Roots itself will not last more than 10 seconds in pvp, which is less than the first rank of roots. It¡¯s 100 mana less for the same effect. If you use rank 1 roots, make sure to use rank 1 Nature¡¯s grasp, or you¡¯ll get the ¡°a more powerful effect is already active¡± message, and be unable to recast roots until nature's grasp ends.

I tried to write out the matchups that give trouble to most teams. The hard teams are first and are generally longer, but for some of the easier teams, there wasn¡¯t much to write, so it¡¯s shorter, and for some of the really easy teams, (such as Hunter/paladin) I didn¡¯t even write anything because you likely will never face them and if you do, it¡¯s such an easy fight that you won¡¯t need a guide.

Note: Because there¡¯s just so much text in this(20 pages in MSword), there will be typos and grammar issues that I missed(probably a lot), so forgive me in advance.

The Dreaded Mirror. You need to be very, very on the ball with target switching, denying the other druid drinking time while you maximize your time.
Your warrior will be chasing their druid as much as he can, while switching back to their warrior whenever the other druid is firmly planted on the other side of a pillar.
Start the fight off with the warriors charging each other, and once they do, pop out next to a pillar, and Faerie fire the other warrior, and hot your own, then drink. You¡¯ll spend some mana, but the hots will keep him topped off and you can drink back to full quickly. Once the other druid pops, your warrior needs to switch to him. The Warrior should continue to beat on the other druid, but he needs your help. Hibernate the other druid, cyclone him, Feral Charge, Bash him, help your warrior stay on the druid.
No matter how much you help him, until the other druid gets low on mana, he will almost always get away. So, when he does, you switch. You run after the other druid to stop him from drinking, and your warrior goes to his warrior. So, do your best to ditch that other warrior while you chase the other druid. While you¡¯re chasing after the other druid, hot your warrior so you can make sure he's going be ok. Because your warrior is beating on his warrior, the other warrior will usually turn on your warrior after you get away, which is why you pre-hot him. Rank 1 MF the other druid and cyclone him while your warrior is beating on his warrior. After your cyclone finishes, your warrior should still be at a decent health, while the other druid¡¯s warrior is low. Now, run away and drink and have your warrior put a shield on while you drink, and have your warrior on their druid to prevent a drink. Their druid will be to busy trying to save his warrior to chase after you, and you will get a drink off and be beating them in the mana war. After you finish drinking, your warrior switches back to their druid and the dance continues.

If you get low (50% health, your warrior needs to come back and help you via intervene/disarm. If the disarm fails, he can spam hamstring to hopefully proc an imp hamstring/mace stun so you can get away.
This fight is all about switching targets. When the other druid gets away from your war, you chase after him to stop his drink, and your warrior beats on their warrior to force him to come back.
This fight can go extremely long on Nagrand arena because of the pillars everywhere. Be prepared.
Catching the other druid in a hibernate is awesome. A hibernate/Cyclone/Cyclone/Cyclone/Bash can sometimes give your warrior enough time to kill their warrior.
