Guide of where to level at low levels (HORDE)

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i have compiled a small brief guide of places to level a character from level 1 -42 which i have floolowed and found to be quick and efficient. (also please dont flmae me if you dont agree) thank you

1-10 You start out at your starting town which will be your official home. You can easily complete all the quests in this area in no time and if you grind a little also you will be at level 10 in no time.

10-19 Right now hit the barrens and complete all the quests in Camp T, ratchet, cross roads and do a wailing caverns run. There is plenty of quests and Mobs to get you to level 19.

19-24 Head out west of the crossroads to the two taurens at the edge of the stonetalon mountain complete the quests they give to you and head over to sunrock retreat where you can get more quests to hit level 24.

24-27 Now you can head over to Tauren Mill and wander around grinding and questing easily which will get you to level 27.

27-32 Head south of The barrens to Thousand needles where you can quest and grind to level 32 and if your a skinner get a nice ammount nof leather. You may need help with the quests at mirage raceway.

32-33 Grind this level so you can start to get money for your mount at level 40 so grind on a mob you can kill easily and drop fair loot. Good loot is wool as you can sell 20 at AH for around 1gold.

33-37 Hit stranglethorn Vale tons of stuff to do many quests and mobs around there, its possible to stay until level 45.

37-38 Grind this level also for more mount money use the auction house still to make more money.

38-42 Go to The badlands, strangethornvale, feralas and some city quests to finish up at level 42.

# - keep in mind that from level 30- 40 you should be trying to save money for your mount aim for 10gold a level and you will be fine.
