Guide to Zul'Gurub

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Hello welcome all , hereby i would like to present you my guide to ZG with who i have cleared all bosses apart from Jin''do and the Edge of Madness bosses with ease .
Lets move on .
Primal Aspects
High Priest Venoxis
High Priest Venoxis is a Snake-aspect and thus has some poison abilities , Nature resistance is not a "must" .
Now , there are two ways , 1 is for inexperienced guilds , and 1 for those with better gear , especially healer-wise and co-ordination-wise.
Ill start with the Easy , inexpienced way.
Make sure you have cleared everything .
There will be 4 snakes , all those will be marked , 3 will be sleeped/sheeped .
1 will be taken care off by the raid .
Meanwhile the MT will be taking Venoxis entirely in the corner ,
the safe way means , that there will be no melee damage , ranged only , tis saves healer mana since he has Holy Nova ( 1K dmg ) and in snake form a heavy poison .
Heres an image to what it should look like in Venoxis'' zone.
Red + Brown Around = Campfire
Green dot = Snake
Lightblue big dot = Venoxis
Brown stripe = wall
Grey dots connected with lines = in his caster form , you will only stand in 1 of the grey spots of your choice ( if you''re MT , if not stay away ! he has a nasty Holy Nova that heals him and does 1000 damage )
Once he goes into his Snake Form Beware ! he will randomly cast Poison Clouds , the MT must pay attention to this and move out of it ( in the Grey Circle Rotation ).
Hard Way
This means you will be allowing melee to enter the battle , please , when the Poison Clouds spawn , melee get out of it or your healers will have problems .
Thats it for Venoxis ! If you have any feedback , comments , post them and i will include them .
High Priestress Jeklik
High Priestress Jeklik is the bat aspect and will be dealt as following :
All members stand about 40 yards from where she is , MT runs in and pulls her down , also grabs aggro ( duh ).
Her attacks are not that dangerous , she will cast AoE Silence every so often so don''t get to close .She will call down bats every 2 mins orso , when that happens all melee must go in and help casters while they kill bats , they''re not elite , so no biggie . At 50% she will go humanoid form
From that moment , be ready to interrupt her whenever she tries to heal , she will also use some sort of Life Tap that can also be interrupted .
Now , when in caster form she will also call down bomber bats , those drop down and cause a little fire , its imperative that people move out of it or they will suffer relatively heavy fire damage .
Keep going like that and you should get her down fairly easily .
High Priestress Mar''Li
This is fairly easy .
Let the MT run in and grab aggro and DPS down the speaker , while in Human form Mar''Li will not be that hard , the biggest issue will be spiders who grow in size as they live on and their damage increases also.
Now , the problem is once she transforms into Spider form , she will AoE web all melee and run towards someone else , therefore all ranged and 1 OT must be standing behind waiting for her to come , the OT will then taunt Mar''Li and bring her back to the webbed MT.
You might wanna (voluntarily) bring a greater NR potion to counter the poison as a MT .
Thats it ! go loot the buddy
Will be continued .');
