Hunter Marksmanship Talents

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Hunter Talents Introduction Beast Mastery Talents Marksmanship Talents Survivalist Talents Hunter Talent Builds

This tree helps with adding more overall damage to your attacks. Great for PvP and end-game instances.

Tier 1 - No Prerequisites
Improved Concussive Shot - rank 5/5 (Gives your Concussive Shot a 4/8/12/16/20% chance to stun the target for 3 sec.)
Procs more than one might think. Excellent for PvP, but still helpful for PvE. Allows you and your pet, not to mention teammates, get free hits in or to set up for a bigger damage attack like an Aimed Shot.

Lethal Shots - rank 5/5 (Increases your critical strike chance with ranged weapons by 1/2/3/4/5%.)
A staple for the Marksmanship tree. Can't recommend this one enough, even for people pursuing other trees.

Tier 2 - Requires 5 points in Marksmanship talents
Improved Hunter's Mark - rank 5/5 (Causes 20/40/60/80/100% of your Hunter¡¯s Mark ability effect to apply to melee attack power as well.)
What was a very weak talent now helps out your pet in its damage output, your group/raid mates in attacking the target, and even yourself when you close for melee. An extremely solid choice for either just helping with your pet¡¯s damage for soloing or for grouping or raiding.

Efficiency - rank 5/5 (Reduces the Mana cost of your Shots and Stings by 2/4/6/8/10%.)
A toss-up. People like it because it can save you 10% of your Mana costs as if you had 10% more Mana in your Mana pool. Allows you to throw in a few more special shots than you normally would be able to. Not necessary, but helpful in the long run. Considered a "bread-and-butter" talent for raiding Hunters.

Tier 3 - Requires 10 points in Marksmanship talents
Go for the Throat ¨C rank 2/2 (Your ranged critical hits cause your pet to generate 25/50 Focus.)
Really helps Beast Mastery specced Hunters, but also helps anyone else who wants to keep their pet dishing out damage and keeping the aggro on their pet and off them. This plus the Bestial Discipline talent is a deadly combination, although some say you only truly need one or the other.

Improved Arcane Shot - rank 5/5 (Reduces the cooldown of your Arcane Shot by 0.2/.4/.6/.8/1 sec.)
With the changes in Arcane Shot being more powerful, it has become a useful talent. It changes your cooldown of Arcane Shot from a 6 seconds base to 5 seconds when improved; Aimed Shot does NOT get its cooldown reduced.

Aimed Shot - rank 1/1 (An aimed shot that increases ranged damage by 70. (68 Mana. 8-35 yd. range. 3 sec. cast. 6 sec. cooldown.))
If you want that extra blast of damage, this is one of the most feared Hunter abilities in PvP, plus it helps end fights faster in PvE. Considered a "bread-and-butter" talent for raiding Hunters. At rank 7, it adds 870 points of damage. Many are disappointed in its effect on the global cooldown of all Hunter spells, so some say only helpful in the beginning of battle or in certain occasions.

Rapid Killing ¨C ranks 2/2 (Reduces the cooldown of your Rapid Fire ability by 1/2 min. In addition, after killing an opponent that yields experience or honor, your next Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot or Auto Shot causes 10/20% additional damage. Lasts 20 sec.)
If you use Rapid Fire a good deal, it will give you a 4 minute (or 3 minute for 2/2 points spent) cooldown rather than a 5 minute cooldown. A toss-up ¨C some who have used it haven¡¯t seen much of a difference in the long run from it. If you are a raider, this will help with the ability to spam your Rapid Fire and damage over the long run.

Tier 4 - Requires 15 points in Marksmanship talents
Improved Stings - rank 5/5 (Increases the damage done by your Serpent Sting and Wyvern Sting by 6/12/18/24/30%, increases the mana drained by your Viper Sting by 6/12/18/24/30% and reduces the chance Stings will be dispelled by 6/12/18/24/30%.)
If you like to use any of your Sting attacks, this is a solid addition to your DPS or mana-devouring tactics. Hard to pass this one up now. A very good addition to someone who is going for a heavy Marksmanship build.

Mortal Shots - rank 5/5 (Increases your ranged weapon critical strike damage bonus by 6/12/18/24/30%. Requires 1/1 point in Aimed Shot. )
A staple for a build where you want to do damage. A 2,000 point crit becomes a 2,600 point death-dealer.

Tier 5 - Requires 20 points in Marksmanship talents
Concussive Barrage ¨C rank 3/3 (Your successful Auto Shot attacks have a 2/4/6% chance to Daze the target for 4 sec.)
If you like Improved Concussive Shot, this gives your normal shot a chance to stun the target, much like that of other classes¡¯ own talents. Could be very helpful if you like your target¡¯s stunned to allow you to set up more damaging attacks.

Scatter Shot - rank 1/1 (A short-range shot that deals 50% weapon damage and confuses the target for 4 sec. Any damage caused will remove the effect. Turns off your attack when used. (123 Mana. 15 yd. range. Instant. 30 sec. cooldown. Requires Ranged Weapon. A requirement for Trueshot Aura.)
This is viewed as the reason to put 21 points in the Marksmanship tree ability and not 31 in another tree. A well-loved talent/ability. Helps stop runners and is our only true interrupt outside of our pets and their special abilities or the Survival talent Counterattack that you can count on when you need it.

Barrage - rank 3/3 (Increases the damage done by your Multi-Shot and Volley spells by 4/8/12%. A requirement for Improved Barrage.)
For PvP, this is a great ability. For PvE, it might not get used as much because of using Volley or Multi Shot might pull aggro or break someone's CC. Although, for a well-geared raiding hunter who's around 400 DPS, that's an extra 48 DPS. It would take a lot of agility to get the same increase. It is a talent that scales as we scale it is a significant factor in a MM-hunter's damage. Considered a "bread-and-butter" talent for raiding Hunters.

Tier 6 - Requires 25 points in Marksmanship talents
Combat Experience ¨C rank 2/2 (Increases your total Agility by 1/2% and your total Intellect by 3/6%.)
Not a staple, but extremely helpful in the long run. Higher Agility means a better chance to crit and more Attack Power. The extra boost to Intellect in addition to the Agility boost will help with more mana in the long run.

Ranged Weapon Specialization - rank 5/5 (Increases the damage you deal with ranged weapons by 1/2/3/4/5%.)
This talent add 5% to your base ranged damage across the board; Monster and Humanoid Slaying also add base damage to your attacks. One thing to be aware of - without good gear, this talent is lackluster. But, if you have a really good ranged weapon and really good gear or better, this talent will end up paying dividends. The extra damage might seem small at first, but can add up in the long run significantly. Also, it scales with your gear and level extremely well.

Tier 7 - Requires 30 points in Marksmanship talents
Careful Aim ¨C rank 3/3 (Increases your ranged attack power by an amount equal to 15/30/45% of your total Intellect.)
This talent, when combined with Combat Experience, will increase your RAP which means more DPS. If you are going for Marksmanship in addition to having a high AP/RAP, then this will boost your damage output.

Trueshot Aura - rank 1/1 (Increases the Ranged and Melee Attack Power of party members within 45 yards by 50. Requires 1/1 points in Scatter ShotLasts 30 minutes. (325 Mana. Instant cast.))
The 31 point talent of the Marksmanship talent tree. Adds its attack power to you, your pet, and your group for ranged or melee attacks. Doesn't stack with another TSA, though. As an aside, +50 AGI = +50 AP, although with the extra AGI, you'd also get the benefit of a higher crit % as well as other bonuses a higher AGI will provide. At rank 4, it adds 125 AP and RAP to the entire party (including pets).

Improved Barrage - rank 3/3 (Increases the critical strike chance of your Multi-Shot ability by 4/8/12% and gives you a 33/66/100% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while channeling Volley.)
This talent will further increase your Multi-Shot and Volley damage, plus allow your Volley to be safe from being interrupted by normal damage (i.e., non-interrupting abilities). If you picked up Barrage, this is another good choice, but if Multi-Shot and Volley are abilities you don't use frequently enough, you can use your points elsewhere. Otherwise, I'd recommend it.

Tier 8 ¨C Requires 35 points in Marksmanship talents
Master Marksman rank 5/5 (Increases your ranged attack power by 2/4/6/8/10%.)
Higher attack power means higher DPS when it comes down to it. Also a prerequisite for Silencing Shot.

Tier 9 ¨C Requires 40 points in Marksmanship talents and 5 points in Master Marksman
Silencing Shot ¨C rank 1/1 (A shot that deals 50% weapon damage and Silences the target for 3 sec. (137 Mana, 8-35 yd range, Instant Cast, and a 20 sec cooldown.))
Silences those pesky casters when you need it. Mix this in with Scatter Shot and you will be able to have a much greater control over casters in fights. The pinnacle of the Marksmanship talent tree.
