Best Leveling Build for a Death Knight 55-80

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Before breaking down the trees, I¡¯ll give a little bit of background on each.

Blood Tree

Blood tends to be more single target oriented* With the specialization in physical damage, burst and the ability to amplify the rewards of leeching health. While many will argue the benefits of each talent end game; blood has a few talents that really speed up the leveling process.

Butchery ¨C This skill is a very solid for anyone leveling and most DPS builds that want to utilize some of the blood tree. Being able to Generate 20 RP(Runic Power) each mob you kill and 2 every 5 seconds, allows you to continuously have RP to go from mob to mob.

Scent of Blood ¨C When deciding on this skill, you need to remember that it goes off when you are attacked, so DPS Death knights aren¡¯t going to benefit from this as much as ones being hit, however this is a great skill in combination with Butchery for the solo leveling DK that wants to spam death coil or blow their Runic Power.

Vendetta ¨C Another skill that is very, very useful for the solo DK. While leveling up as blood, you will almost never need to rest or stop to heal as you gain 6% total life per honor/exp kill.

Now, there are many other talents that help PVE, but the above three really push the Blood DK forward when it comes to leveling fast and efficiently.

(*) As stated in a recent post from Blizzard, they are looking at possible ways to add AoE damage attacks to the Blood tree. This could very well push blood over the top when it comes to the ideal solo leveling build!

Here is an example solo leveling build for Blood (note: this is a level 70 build)


Unholy Tree

Unholy is more sustained DPS which specializes procs, pets, movement increases and Area of Effect damage. A lot of people prefer Unholy, because it tends to be the more ¡°fun¡± oriented tree in the eyes of most. There are a few abilities that speed up your leveling, and they are :

Impurity - This is the main ability that amplifies the DKs spell damage. Like DK¡¯s already receive 25% parry rating from strength, this talent converts 25% of Attack Power into spell damage. This means your dots tick for more, and your deathcoils start hitting well into the thousands. This talent is almost mandatory for any DK thinking of going unholy.

Ebon Plaguebringer - This combined with the above talent are what make Unholy a sustained DPS. These abilities amplify your dots and magic damage even further. Not only does this affect your commonly used frost fever and blood plague, but other talents if you so choose; Wandering Plague or Unholy Blight benefit as well as other AoE skills like Pestilence and Bloodboil.

Master of Ghouls - This talent allows the ghoul you summon to be controlled by you, and become permanent. Your ghoul with the Ravenous Dead talent, gains 60% of your personal strength and stamina, and you can also choose to get a glyph which gives your ghoul another 20% of your strength. These combined allow your ghoul to do some serious damage. Being able to control your ghoul; like the hunter pet, gives you the option to ¡°leap¡±, ¡°stun¡±, ¡°claw¡± and ¡°huddle¡±.

Personally, I find the unholy tree very hard to skip over talents. I find almost every talent in it useful, and hard to turn up. It may not be the greatest 1v1 spec over a short duration fight, but for long boss fights or AoE, you will find Unholy to be a strong talent tree choice.

Here is an example solo leveling build for Blood (note: this is a level 70 build)


When deciding between Blood and Unholy, personal preference and play style should be the deciding factor. I Personally leveled to 75 with blood then switched to unholy until 80, but could of gone either way. Frost is not a bad tree, just not a popular one for leveling.
