Blasted Lands WoW Gold Make

Cheap WoW WOTLK Classic Gold

So what do you do for money Perhaps run around low level zones collecting herbs, or maybe play the Auction House for a while. If you're anything like me, gathering is too boring, and waiting for items to buy in the AH takes too long for my patience to withstand. So what do I do when I want that craftable item I see in the Auction House, when i'm leveling my new toon or want that damn Hyacinth Macaw I go and hunt for rare mobs in the Blasted Lands. The main reasons I do this is because a run takes under 5 minutes, travel time is basically zero, with portals to the Blasted Lands in both Orgrimmar and Stormwind, and because it is extremely profitable, due to the absence of Rare gear in the 45-55 bracket, and the fact that this bracket has some of the best Greens for transmogrification in the game. This is where the real money comes from. Lastly, the only requirement is being about level 60, in order to kill the mobs, although a character of higher level with a flying mount is optimal.

Getting There
This is extremely simple, just take the portal in the Stormwind Mage Quarter or Orgrimmar Cleft of Shadows, and you will be in the Blasted Lands.

The Rares
There are a total of 14 rares in this zone, from levels 55-60.
Here is a list in order of how common they are, and NPC id:
Ravage 8300 (tameable)
Narixxus the Doombringer 45262
Dreadscorn 8304
Mojo the Twisted 8296
Magronos the Unyielding 8297
Akubar the Seer 8298
Teremus the Devourer 7846
Deatheye 8302 (tameable)
Cassia the Slitherqueen 45258
Clack the Reaver 8301 (tameable)
Blackleaf 45260
Spiteflayer 8299 (tameable)
Grunter 8303 (tameable)
Mordak Nightbender

Finding Them
Before even taken the portal, you should make enter the details of these NPCs into NPCscan. If you don't have NPCscan, scroll down.
Here are the commands to enter these to NPCscan:

/npcscan (this will open up the Addon)
At the bottom there will be three boxes for text to go in: Name, NPC ID, and World.
For Name, put one of the rares above in the box. It does not have to be it's actual name, but it will be what shows up when it has been found.
For NPC ID, put the corresponding number that I have said above.
For World, say Eastern Kingdoms. Be aware this IS case sensitive.
Here is an Example:
|Name: Dreadscorn| |NPC ID: 8304|
|World: Eastern Kingdoms|

Do this for every mob listed above.

If you do not have NPCscan and cannot be bothered downloading it, do not worry. Simply copy and paste this macro. You can access macros by /m.

/tar rava
/tar narixx
/tar dreadsc
/tar mojo
/tar magron
/tar akubar
/tar terem
/tar deathe
/tar cassia
/tar clack
/tar blackl
/tar spitef
/tar grunter
/tar mord

Just copy and paste this into a macro.

The Route
Once you have taken the portal from Stormwind/Orgrimmar, you will start your journey. This should only take about 5 minutes with a flying mount. Just proceed in a clockwise direction around the Zone after firstly cutting north through the middle. This takes you past all rare spawn locations. Click on the above links for the individual spawn locations to see their own spawn.

The Reward
The whole point we did this in the first place: MONEY. As well as a green drop, each mob has a roughly 50% chance of dropping an Imperfect Draenethyst Fragment and a roughly 50% chance to drop a Flawless Draenethyst Sphere. Keep in mind it will drop one OR the other. These both start quests, which are turned in to a Dranei, just north of the Dark Portal. These quests can be turned in as many times as you want.

When the quests are turned in you will recieve Kum'isha's Junk for returning the green fragment, or Emerald Encrusted Chest for returning the blue sphere. The Junk Bag always has level 45-50 green item, and the Chest always has a blue or epic, though if you're lucky you may find a green as well. All loot is tradeable, so sell it to twinks or people leveling on the AH. Most of the greens are also good for transmogging, so you will get a great price. If you are not one to take risks, simply sell the Bag or Chest before opening it, and let someone else take the risk!

I usually check this route once every 6-7 hours, or whenever I am waiting for a raid to start or a BG to pop. Do this and money should start rolling in for minimal effort! Happy Hunting!
