Legion Dalaran

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Dalaran moves to the Broken Isles, serving as the main hub for Alliance and Horde characters. It will be located between the Broken Shore and Azsuna, off the southern coast of Suramar.

Dalaran moves to the Broken Isles as the mages of the Kirin Tor want to keep close to the events of the Burning Legion's third invasion from the Tomb of Sargeras, the fallen Titan and ravager of Worlds.

The floating city receives several upgrades and can be found floating in the southern Broken Isles, south of Suramar and southeast of Azsuna.

Aegwynn's Tower

The center of the city is now taken up by Aegwynn's Tower. Inside is a portal that leads to the Portrait Room, the lower level of which houses portals to some notable areas: Caverns of Time,Shattrath, Wyrmrest Temple, Dalaran Crater, and Karazhan. These are in place for ease of travel for players securing their artifact weapons.
