WoW Legion Gold Invasions

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Hey everyone I hope you're enjoying the pre-expansion invasions! I just wanted to take some time to discuss some of the trade-able items available during the event and how you can make some gold with them.

I won't be going into too much depth with regards as to how to obtain these items (the comments available through Wowhead go into enough detail), but wanted to focus on their gold making potential.

I will be focusing on four items.

  • Lucky ShirtLucky Shirt
  • Felbat PupFelbat Pup
  • Pocket Fel SpreaderPocket Fel Spreader
  • Charred LocketCharred Locket

The Lucky Shirt will still be available after the event (with the same limitations listed below), as will the Charred Locket. This is due to the fact Blizzard are not removing the actual Broken Shore scenario after the invasions have finished (similar to the build up quests for WoD that are still in game). The Felbat and the Pocket Spreader are only obtainable during the invasion events. Make sure you get hold of these items while you can if you want for your personal collection or to sell!

The Lucky Shirt - Lucky ShirtLucky Shirt


This item is purchased from a vendor that can only be accessed by alliance players who have begun the Broken Shore questline but have NOT yet boarded the ship. The vendor is on the harbour as you "prepare" for battle. It is purchased for 90g (reputation discount can be cheaper) and it is unique.

Since the introduction of the wardrobe, shirts have been quite desirable. Be aware that currently this shirt isn't possible to add to the wardrobe itself (it isn't moggable) but players will probably assume that is it, or it is a bug and they intend to fix it (I will update here accordingly). This item does share a model with an unobtainable shirt (Fine Cloth ShirtFine Cloth Shirt) that was a reward from a pre cataclysm quest (useless fact - I still have this on my main character).

As the shirt is unique you can only have one in your inventory, so having access to a mailbox or a guild bank where you can quickly deposit the item so you can purchase multiples is advised. The nearest mailbox is towards the cathedral so it will be very tedious to fly back and forth!

If you are horde, or you have already completed the Broken Shore scenario - perhaps suggest teaming up with a friend who can still get them, let them know about it and ask them to buy some for you.

As a side note - it has been confirmed that the Broken Shore scenario will still be able to be completed after Legion launches. So players who remain in the harbour "phase" will be able to purchase the item in future but after completing the scenario you won't be able to come back. (Perhaps worth leaving one toon in this phase for future maybe ).

The Felbat Pup - Felbat PupFelbat Pup


This tradeable battle pet companion is available from the pre-event vendor and requires 150 Nethershards. If you are completing the invasions fairly efficiently it shouldn't take more than four full invasions to get enough shards for a pet.

The Pocket Fel Spreader - Pocket Fel SpreaderPocket Fel Spreader


This toy is available by killing Dread Infiltrators in either Stormwind / Orgrimmar. These spawn when Doomsayers (the guys with the pamphlets) are "exposed" by players with demon detecting abilities. Demon Hunters, regular hunters and players using Elixir of Detect DemonElixir of Detect Demon can trigger the Dread Infiltrator to spawn (amongst others). It is best to tell your city you are about to expose a demon as they do hit pretty hard. The toy has a chance to drop from this mob and it is possible to loot if you actively attack (not just first tag). There is a great deal more information available on Wowhead if you wish to learn more about the spawns, but keep an eye on your chat as players tend to notify when one is about to be summoned if you aren't interested in spawning one for yourselves.

The Charred Locket - Charred LocketCharred Locket

Again this is an alliance only item. I want to apologise for not getting my guide out a little sooner. This item is only available during the Broken Shore Scenario itself, so a lot of players would have already completed the event therefore making this item unobtainable. If you have alts available to complete the scenario again I highly recommend doing so. It is available during stage 6 of the Broken Shore scenario by looting ashes which are on an altar co-ordinates (42,42). This locket IS tradeable so worth getting as many as you can if you have alts which are still able to complete the scenario.

The locket allows you to obtain Alaina's Bonnet (a transmog item).

Gold Making

I spoke at length about these items in my Twitch stream but will try and summarise as best as I can here. Firstly, all of these items are desirable to a number of players. Transmog, pets and toys are highly collectible and as they are time sensitive (or character unique) there should be some opportunity to make some gold after the event has concluded, into Legion and beyond.

The only "problem" I foresee is this. As the game has progressed through the years players have become more aware of items such as these and their gold potential. We have all had experience of items that have become unobtainable and players have seen the huge increase in their prices. I have had a large number of friends, guildies and stream viewers who normally don't care that much about gold ask me about the items and if it is worth investing in them. In other words, if the average players is wanting to get in on the action this means there will be a LOT of competition. Added to this, people are watching Youtube videos, Twitch streams and reading articles so players are better informed and feel they can make some gold.

As players are grinding these items the prices are naturally being driven down.

For example, the Felbat pup is the only realistic tradeable shard item available. Players have been devoid of any content for a LONG time, so naturally they are gathering large quantities of shards without much effort, and with little to spend it on. These pups started out around 50k on my server and within hours the price was down to 1k.

My advice

The time for high value early sales has gone (blame me for not putting this article out a bit sooner :P but even then you'd needed to have got lucky!). Now the invasions are in full swing and the early sales have gone what do you want to do There are two options below so think about how you want to tackle it (note it is possible to do both!)

If you want to sell what you grind

If you want to just sell the items you can get yourself - wait to sell them. Trying to get a quick sale now will only encourage prices to drop even further. As mentioned above the time for early adopters are gone, so who will you sell too Those that are conservative with their gold will look to wait until the last few days of the event and only purchase if they can't obtain one themselves. Potential gold makers who are looking to invest by purchasing large quantities will want to wait until the end of the event to purchase them as cheaply as possible.

I appreciate that not everyone wishes to wait and if you are in need of gold pretty fast (such as grinding for the WoW token) then try and get what price you can, but post at 12 hour intervals (or ideally repost when you are undercut).

I recommend trying to grind the invasions on multiple characters (if they need the gear) but don't push too hard, the invasions are meant to be fun, you don;t want to burn out before they finish!

If you wish to invest / speculate to buy and flip in Legion and beyond

Wait to buy! Prices will continue to drop as the event continues - don't pay 15k for a Pocket Spreader when they could potentially be 5k by the end of the event.

Be wary of players with deeper pockets than you! Trying to outbuy your entire servers worth of items will be tough and will require a LONG time to resell them all! Remember there will be a lot of others doing exactly the same as you so don't think you can monopolise the market easily.

Watch out for other players who may be dumping theirs in large quantities. Some players may have grinded a lot and want a fast sale towards the end of the expansion. Again just be aware of how much you are spending and how many items you have already.

Be patient! These items are a serious long term investment. A lot of players who are wanting to come back for Legion are not really going to want to buy these items straight away if they miss the event. New gear, new professions, new items will all take priority over these cosmetic items (and cosmetic items available in Legion will probably be their goal firstly anyway).

Wrap Up

I hope this guide isn't too frustrating (I completed the Broken Shore on a number of characters before learning about the Lucky Shirt vendor and the Locket!) Hopefully you have access to alts or friends on alliance that can help out with some of the items! Again I can't stress enough there will be a lot of players speculating and trying to make gold in Legion and beyond. I have been comparing the Felbat PupFelbat Pup to the Iron StarletteIron Starlette so take care investing and good luck!
