Elro's level 30-40 anti-STV guide, part A

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Level 30-40 guide (without Stranglethorn Vale)
Part A, level 30-35

Scroll down to view explanatory annotated maps.

I¡¯ve seen a few guides for the 30s, all of which require heavy involvement in Stranglethorn Vale. For me personally, and based on the comments I¡¯ve heard in guild/general chat, STV is one of the least enjoyable areas in the game. This detest of STV seems fairly universal..

After leveling my 1st character to 60, I decided with my 2nd that I would NOT visit STV for ANY REASON while leveling up the next one. Assuming that many people also felt the same way I wrote this guide to clearly explain how to go from level 30 to 40 as quickly as possible with a combination of quests, and as little grinding as possible. By level 30, most people are ready for their mount and the enjoyable quest threads seem like they are drying out.

I truly hope this guide will help you have a lot more fun between level 30 and 40. If you have any suggestions for modifications, feel free to email me at eval(unescape('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%70%61%74%74%6f%6e%74%77%6f%40%79%61%68%6f%6f%2e%63%6f%6d%22%3e%70%61%74%74%6f%6e%74%77%6f%40%79%61%68%6f%6f%2e%63%6f%6d%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b')) pattontwo@yahoo.com. If I change anything based on your suggestion I¡¯ll give you credit, so include your in game toon¡¯s name and what server you play on!

Last but not least. I have not said ¡°turn in _____ quest¡± every time you return to the camp/inn. If you have a quest to turn in and you are standing near the person to turn it in to, then turn it in.

So with that, we¡¯re off.

Initial instructions:

When possible, empty your bags and repair your armor. We try not to return to villages/cities very often, so every time you are there you should do this.

When running along, you can skip the random mobs you pass. If you want to pause and kill any that are green or yellow, you are welcome to. This can both make things a little more interesting while running longer distances, and speed up your leveling a bit. Personally once I got to running somewhere I usually just wanted to get there and didn¡¯t stop to kill things along the way.

Always log off in an inn or in a city where you are able to ¡°rest¡±. I¡¯m sure you all know already, but while your experience bar is blue you are gaining more experience from killing mobs because you are ¡°rested¡±. The amount of rest you have increases while you are logged off in a city or an inn. You can tell you¡¯re gaining rest because your picture in the upper left corner of the screen will have ¡°zzz¡± where your current level usually is.

For this guide I have assumed you are taking good advantage of rest experience. There were times while leveling that I was not getting bonus experience from being rested, but not very often. If you are playing 3-4 hours a day on an ongoing basis, you may have to grind here and there to level up. I have generally indicated where your level should be throughout this guide.

Keep in mind that this guide was created on a PvE server. I have never leveled a character past level 20 on a PvP server. There will certainly be some allowances you will have to make if you are on a PvP server. I¡¯ll try to flag the times that I think you¡¯ll need to be careful but I may not hit them all. Feel free to let me know of any specific times in this guide that you had PvP trouble.

While completing this guide I played a priest. I¡¯ve leveled a Paladin up to 60, but no other classes. My assumption is that you shouldn¡¯t have problems soloing everything in this guide regardless of what class you are. Please let me know if you find that to be incorrect.

In many cases you will find yourself running along mountains. Usually I¡¯ll say something like ¡°follow the foothills¡± or ¡°head north off the road after the hills¡±. This does NOT mean try to climb mountains or hills where it seems difficult. It means wait until it¡¯s easy going and then follow the curve or line of the hills. I will never direct you to run up or into mountains/hills unless there is a specific path to follow. If you find yourself spending time trying to figure out where to ¡°jump¡± to climb the hill, you probably aren¡¯t in the place that I was trying to send you.

Lastly, lets discuss the Auction House. I will direct you to visit the AH eventually, but you might want to start keeping an eye out for the following shopping list:

Potion of underwater breathing (1)
Several healing potions of the highest level you can use


This guide assumes that you have reached level 30, trained for all your recent spells/talents, and that you have an empty quest log and small amount of gold. All safe assumptions. You are probably sitting in a major city, and you¡¯ve probably completed such zones as Duskwood, Redridge, Wetlands and/or Darkshore.

From several ingame surveys I took, I found that 71% of players level 30 or 31 and completed Duskwood. 57% of the same players had completed Redridge and Wetlands. However only 19% of players surveyed indicated they had completed any significant quests in Ashenvale. Given that, we will begin there.

If you have already spent any significant time in Ashenvale, then it is possible that you will have completed some of the quests mentioned here. No guide can possibly cover all of the different ways a player could have advanced to level 30. So you¡¯ll have to make due a bit in the early going. My suggestion if you have totally completed Ashenvale would be to visit Duskwood or one of the other zones mentioned above and complete any lingering quests there.

First zone: Ashenvale


If you have not been here, then begin by arriving at Auberdine. If you haven¡¯t been there, take the north boat from Menethil Harbor. After running the very long road south from Auberdine, the road will finally turn due east. Right there a smaller path breaks off south east. Run down here and pick up a few quests. Sentinel Melyria Frostshadow gives you The Howling Vale, and Illiyana gives you Vile Satyr! Dryads in Danger.

As you reach Auberdine, start picking up quests. From Raene Wolfrunner at the inn you get Raene¡¯s cleansing and Culling the Threat. Shindrell Swiftfire gives you the Kayneth Stillwind quest. Set your hearthstone to here in Astraanar.

Phase 1

To start off we¡¯ll do the 1st Raene¡¯s cleansing quest. I know, this quest is grey to you¡­ Turn around and run west and go back towards Maestra¡¯s Post. After you turn north and before you get to the post, head due west just along the foothills of the mountains. Curve south as you can and you¡¯ll come to the lake with a little island in the middle (point 1). Get onto the island and click on Teronis¡¯ body and then accept the follow up quest. Only 150 exp for finding Teronis¡¯ body. )Do not kill any murlocs till you click on the body and get the next quest.) Then have to find the gem. You have to kill the murlocs for the random drop, and they are all grey to me. No exp. Took me about 4-5 min. to get the gem to drop. This is the start of a long quest chain, so that¡¯s why we are wasting the 10 minutes or so to complete this quest.

After getting the Glowing Gem, run back towards Astranaar but we¡¯ll pause to kill Dal Bloodclaw on the way. Run north up the dotted path just west of Astranaar. Bear to the right and kill the Thistlefur mobs as you go while working your way up to the village pictured on the map. Dal is usually in one of these two small camps (point 2). Type ¡°/target dal¡± (without the quotation marks) to find him. He looks like most of the others and he does walk around a bit. Just keep an eye on where he is so he doesn¡¯t add and surprise you. This should be very easy. Once done, run back to Astranaar. Kill any green mobs you meet on your way.

PvP note: Horde has a quest to kill the Thistlefur mobs. This is a place you might run into trouble.

Back in Astranaar, visit Raene Wolfrunner and turn in the two quests. Culling the Threat from killing Dal, and the first Raene¡¯s Cleansing quests with the journal and the gem from Teronis. Now you get the quest to kill the foulwealds (An Aggressive Defense) as well as the next Raene¡¯s Cleansing quest.

Phase 2

After getting new quests, run southeast down to Mystral Lake and find Sentinel Velene Starstrike. She is in the building in the middle of the north coast of the lake (point 1). She does NOT have the yellow ! above her head, but she will give you a quest (elemental bracers) and it IS green. The water elementals are to the right of the building or straight through to the little island. They are also under the water. Levels 23 and 24 (all green to you at this point). Slow drop rate, but easy mobs to kill. After getting the 5 intact elemental bracers, right click on the scroll in your inventory. Then return to Velene.

NOTE: The elementals drop several types of bracers. You need the ¡°intact elemental bracers¡±. Most of the other bracers they drop are vendor trash. Go ahead and get the 2nd quest from Velene, though we don¡¯t complete it in this guide. If you are passing through the barrens at some point you may want to complete it. I do not currently have quests in the barrens in this guide though I may modify that later.

Now head northeast towards the road. Before you get there you¡¯ll find the Greenpaw Village with the Foulwealds (point 2). You will NOT complete this quest the first time through here. There are not enough of the mobs for you to complete it. Kill everything hear before moving on.

PvP note: Horde has a quest to kill the Foulwealds mobs as well. This is a place you might run into trouble.

Now head east on the main road which will curve southeast and then northeast again. You¡¯ll be running past two horde bases. If you are on a PvP server this is one of those times that you¡¯ll need to be extra careful. I can say that I rarely encountered horde players in this area, but they do have a few quest givers around here so be cautious.

When running past Splintertree Post there are high level guards on BOTH sides of the road though, so keep your eyes pealed. When passing Satyrnaar just stay to right of road and you should be fine. Shortly after Satyrnaar the hills to your left (north) will open up. Run due north and you¡¯ll find Forest Song and Kayneth Stillwind (point 3). Turn in quest and get Forsaken Disease.

After getting Forsaken Disease, go west to Xavian. It¡¯s VERY close. Don¡¯t fall down the hill into the horde camp Saturnaar. Also watch out for the bears/spiders. Level 27-29 but very close together. Can easily get 2-4 on you at one time. This is one of those places where it¡¯s not a bad idea to clear the mobs as you go. Just avoids dying due to wandering beasts.

Bear to the right (north) until you start killing xavians. These mobs are all 28-30. The Xavian Hellcallers can heal themselves 100% with no mana, so be aware of this. Also watch out for Prince Raze. He is a 32 elite, though not too hard. Same 100% heal with no mana spell. I soloed him as a 30 priest. Just don¡¯t want him to add and surprise you.

You¡¯ll see Anilia on your minimap with the yellow dot to turn in a quest (point 4). There are 2 level 29 hellcallers are guarding Anilia that will pull together. Other than those every mob can be pulled on it¡¯s own. Get the follow up quest from her, to kill Geltharis and get the branch from him. The path to Geltharis is right next to her going down the hill to the north. Geltharis is a 32 non elite with a 29 hellcaller. This was not very hard.

After completing the Branch of Cenarius, we¡¯re going to hearth back to Astranaar. You¡¯ve got several quests to turn in. Remember to empty your bags and repair.

Phase 3

First step is to head back to Greenpaw Village and kill more Foulwealds (point 1). It¡¯s possible you might complete this quest on your 2nd visit here, but I had to come here 3 times to do that. Don¡¯t worry either way.

After you¡¯ve cleared this area again, go back to the road but keep heading due north. The path to Shael¡¯dryn (next person for Raene¡¯s Cleansing) is directly to the north of the Greenpaw Village, up in the foothills. If you run due north and bear just a bit to the right, you¡¯ll find a path with the little elf lights. The path curves to the right and leads right to him (point 2).

He¡¯ll give you the follow up, which along with the Howling Vale gives us two reasons to make the slightly long run north towards Felwood. Leave Shael¡¯dryn and head southwest. We¡¯re going to make almost a complete circle going counterclockwise. You can stay in the wild and just follow the curve of the mountains, going to the left of the Raynewood Retreat picture on the map and then returning to the road.

Start watching for the ents, which look like walking trees (point 3). Kill the ents until the key drops. There should be some on both sides of the road. It only took me 4 kills for the key to drop. Now we go find the chest.

As you are heading northwest towards Felwood, the path will eventually curve due north, but exit the road and keep heading northwest. Go to left of the huge tree that will be in your way and bear left. You¡¯ll find the chest to open sitting there (point 4). It¡¯s easy and unguarded.

Now double back towards the road, but this time bear to the right of the huge tree and start watching for the VERY small ¡°path¡± going up the hill to your left. It leads up the hill and to a cave. You¡¯ll find Shadow Weavers (level 29) in your way. Go through the cave and work your way down to the front of the building on the far side. The reading material should be on a table (point 5).

I know there is a ¡°short cut¡± to jump down to the building, however I advise against using it. If you die here it¡¯s a LONG run back. So just take the extra few minutes to kill all the mobs as you walk down the hill and turn back to the building. After this, go back south and follow the curve of the mountains to the west, eventually curving back to the north to find Shael¡¯dryn at the moonwell. Turn in his quest and get the next in Raene¡¯s Cleansing. (By now you should be starting to appreciate why we did the first of her quests for almost no experience at the beginning!)

Hearth or run back to Astranaar. Remember to empty your bags and repair.

Phase 4

Return to Melyria at the Shrine of Aessina (point 1). Turn in Howling Vale and get Velinde Starsong. You may never complete it, but go ahead and take it. Just past her is turn in for the Anilia/Branch of Cenarius quests. Turn it in and get Satyr Slaying. Return to Astraanar.

Now head out towards the splintertree post. If you still need to finish the quest with the Foulwealds, do it now. Just before you get to the post there is a clearing on the right. Go that way (southeast). (Start killing rotting slimes right away.) Just ahead you¡¯ll see a little camp of tents and tables (point 2). Be careful for the forsaken that are there in that some can stealth.

On the table in the middle of their camp is the Bottle of Disease that you need. If you get in trouble with the forsaken, run to where one of the stealthed Ashenvale Outrunners is. They will help you fight. Kill the forsaken, loot the poison and continue killing slimes till one drops the rusty chest.

NOTE: The chest is not a looted item. It will appear on top of the dead slime. Open it and get the Iron Pommel.

After looting this, head back to Kayneth Stillwind in Forest Song, just past Satrynaar (point 3). Turn in forsaken diseases. Wait for him to go through his poisoning and survive, then get the next quest, Insane Druids. Now, lets go kill some Satyrs in Xavian (point 4). The satyr¡¯s are great for grinding if you need to. They should be yellow (for good exp), but really easy to take down. That¡¯s fortunate, because the drop rate isn¡¯t too hot for the horns.

OPTION: If you feel you are good at soloing and don¡¯t mind a challenge, we¡¯re going to do the Insane Druids quest right now. If you struggle a bit, you¡¯ll want to visit your trainer first to ensure you have every advantage. If that¡¯s the case, then after you get the 16 satyr horns, heart back to Astranaar and empty your bags. The head to Darnasus and visit your trainer. You also have the quest to turn in here and a few simple follow ups there.

FYI. You should ding 32 by this point. If not, you are really cutting corners on mobs. Just killing the basic mobs to get to each quest should have you well into level 32 by now.

If you did not return to Darnasus, continue reading from here. However¡­ if you returned to Astranaar and trained up, then skip this section on the Insane Druid quest and save it for after the next section of Raene¡¯s Cleansing. I suggest you do it now though as it will save you some mindless running later on.

Insane Druids

This is doable at level 31. Only Taneel is really hard as he heals himself repeatedly and well. The other 2 ¡°bosses¡± were fairly easy.

To get to the cave, go back to where you went to get the poison. Southeast from main road. Watch for path to left up the hill. If you enlarge your minimap you¡¯ll see a small square structure. It¡¯s the only structure in that area. It¡¯s the entrance to a cave (point 5).

It is very easy to get lost down here, so follow the directions carefully! From main entrance go down the winding passage. At the first fork go straight across bridge to find and kill Taneel Darkwood. Remember he¡¯s the hard one.

You may need a potion or two for this fight. It¡¯s a long one because he heals himself, and seemed to be able to do that even without mana. If you can stun or heal yourself it's going to help you a lot. To kill him, first pull the mobs out of his room 1 by 1. Then take him alone. He¡¯s neutral till you attack him, so that helps! I soloed him as a 32 priest without having visited my trainer since level 30.

If you killed him, you¡¯ve completed what is arguably the hardest part of this guide! If you have trouble, find someone nearby to group. There are usually several people running around in here. After he¡¯s dead come back and go left down the hill. At the bottom it forks left/right. Bear left and then curve down to the right. Eventually it curves down to a final chamber where Uthil Mooncall is. Kill him.

Go back a bit and follow the curve to the right (past where you turned left). You'll have a long winding passage with mobs to kill. At the bottom, bear left and go up the ramp. At the mid level platform go right. Clear the small room and go through the hall to the left. You¡¯ll find the final boss, Mavoris Cloudsbreak here. Kill him as well.

Retrace your steps carefully to leave. Return to Kayneth Stillwind (point 3) and then hearth back to Astraanar! Turn in quests, empty your bags and repair.

Phase 5

This is fairly quick and just involves a little bit of running around. First return to Shael¡¯dryn (point 1). He¡¯ll send you to the Hidden Shrine. It¡¯s not that hard to find if you pay attention. Head southeast like we did when we went to the Howling Vale quest. However keep an eye on the mountains to the north. The second valley you come to in the mountains to the north is the one you want. You¡¯ll find a small path that wraps up a hill and leads you to the Shrine (point 2). If you get to the Raynewood Retreat you¡¯ve already missed it. Reconstruct the Rod and then return to Shael¡¯dryn. He¡¯ll send you back to Raene.

Note: If you did not complete the Insane Druids quest in Phase 4, and instead visited the trainer, this is where you will complete it. Run all the way out towards the Splintertree Post and follow the directions at the end of Phase 4 (point 3). Go turn it in when completed or do it at the end of the next phase.

Phase 6

Lets finish up here in Ashenvale. You should have the next stage of Raene¡¯s Cleansing where she tells you she¡¯s not sure what you¡¯re supposed to do. Run down to Mystral Lake, just southeast of there as the quest instructions tell you. I jumped in the lake, and exited on the east side. You could just run around it, either way. Where you come out you¡¯ll see torches lining a path going uphill to the south. Follow the path. At the top of the path before the river, use the rod to turn yourself into a furlbog. Turn the quest into Krolg and get the next to kill Ran Bloodtooth (point 2). Go back down the path but bear right.

If you see anyone else near the bloodtooth¡¯s back here, ask to group. Ran only spawns every 5-6 minutes, so if someone else gets him first you have to just sit and wait (point 2). There aren¡¯t very many guards to kill so you can¡¯t really even grind while waiting. Ran is easy to kill, but will hang back and shoot at you so make sure you either have ranged weapons or you get down to where he is. Finish them, turn the quest back in to Krolg and you¡¯re done. Hearth or back to Astraanar.

Note: If you didn¡¯t turn in the Insane Druids quest, then run back to Kayneth Stillwind now (point 3).

The last segment of quests nets you about 6000 xp, a ring plus your choice of a 1H axe or 2H mace. You should ding 33 by now! We¡¯re done with Ashenvale. If you haven¡¯t already, now is the time to return to Darnasus to train and turn in miscellaneous quests. From there you¡¯ll need to make a quick visit to IF to pick up a quest, but leave your hearthstone set at Astranaar so you can return quickly.

From here we will be moving on to Desolace.

First you will need to go back to IF and visit the Explorers league to get the quest leading you to Kreldig Ungor in Desolace. You can train up while here.

You should be level 33 by the time you arrive at Nijel¡¯s Point in Desolace. If not, head to Desolace anyway and just kill any green/yellow mobs you pass on the road. If you arrive outside Nijel¡¯s Point and still aren¡¯t level 33, then just do a bit of grinding on the animals in the area, all of which will be a good level for you.

Now lets talk about travel to Desolace. My favorite way to get there is to be summoned! If you have a guild with some good people in it, look for 2 friends who are already in Desolace. If one is a warlock, look for 3 friends. Once you have 2 helpers, then in the game type ¡°/who desolace¡± (no quotes) and look for a warlock. Message them and ask for a summons. I¡¯ve had good success with this. You should always offer 1g just out of courtesy.

If you have to run, make sure you¡¯ve got 20-30 minutes. On the Ashenvale map, look for the Talondeep Pass cave in the mountains. The text ¡°talondeep pass¡± is on the map next to the picture of a cave. Go there and run through the cave. The pass is long, but nothing dangerous. Neither is the Windshear Crag on the other side. Everything¡¯s level 20 +/-.

Since you¡¯re here, run through to get the FP at the northwest end (might as well) and then continue on to Desolace. Stay on the path all the way to the north end. Getting the FP takes only an extra (9 minutes). You can skip it though if you want to. You¡¯ll probably never need it. You¡¯ll see a quest at the FP, but don¡¯t bother.

Once you come back to the Desolace fork you¡¯ll run south through a bunch of 23-24 harpys in The Charred Vale. Just run straight through to the other side. A few harpys are green if you feel like killing them for exp. At the very end you¡¯ll start finding level 27-28 mobs that you can kill on the way through as well.


Once you enter desolace, bear left (east) along the foothills. You¡¯ll find 31-33 mobs. Nothing you can¡¯t handle. Eventually you¡¯ll come to Nijel¡¯s Point. You¡¯ll see Greco-Roman pillars and a lighted path up the hill to the left. Take it and start grabbing quests. There is also a forge here if you want/need it.

The inn is at the top/back of the Point. Set your hearthstone here. Pick up the FP which is to the left of the inn.

Now lets start on the quests:

First thing to know is that Brutal Politics and Strange Alliance cancel each other out. You will be doing Brutal Politics, so you can drop the other quest. The guy there will offer it to you forever, but just ignore it.

Phase 1

Note: This is a long phase. Make sure you are rested, repaired and have empty bags before setting out!

Head west to the other side of the main road and find Malem Chest for Vahlerrial¡¯s search (point 1). Complete the quest and get the next to go back to Nijel¡¯s. There are several mobs here to kill.

Now double back to the east of Nijel¡¯s and kill the satyr¡¯s you need for the Reagent quest. You have to kill a lot of Satyr¡¯s here (point 2). It¡¯s a good grinding spot as well. I¡¯d clear the whole camp working back to the ¡°temple¡± and then clear it again as you make your way out. That will be just about right for the drops. The mobs are well spaced and shouldn¡¯t be too hard a fight.

Head south west below the east/west road in between the 2 north/south roads to pick up quests for kodo bones from the graveyard (point 3). If the roads here look kind of like a huge letter H on the map, the point is just south of the cross of the H.

Head south on the road to get the kodo roundup quest from Smeed (point 4). STAY ON THE ROAD to get here. The mobs in between are 36-38 and can agro in groups easily.

Go to the kodo graveyard to the west and do the bone quest. While you¡¯re at it, find dying, ancient or aged kodos and return 5 of them to Sneed. The kodo¡¯s are easy enough to get. Once you return them you must right click on each to ¡°inspect¡± it to get credit for turning it in. The 10 bones are harder to get but this is very doable. You just need to be careful to avoid the level 37-38 mobs. If you do grab agro from one, run away and return. It might take a couple minutes, but I did this without dying.

When you loot the bones there seems to be a 50/50 chance that a Kodo Apparition spawns. They are level 37 +/-, but are very easy to run away from. As long as you pay attention this quest is very doable at this level, even though it¡¯s red in your quest log. You can save it for much later if you want, but you¡¯re here now so might as well. If you save it, we¡¯ll return to desolace late in our 30s and you can do it then.

Head southwest along the road carefully making your way through Mannoroc Coven. STAY ON THE ROAD! The mobs here are 37-38, but if you stay on the road you won¡¯t agro any. Start killing the Gelkis that you will find after the pass (point 5). Kill them until you are friendly with the Magrum. You¡¯ll need to kill 46 of them. The only thing hard about them is that they run when they get to low health. You will complete the Centaur Ears quest at the same time.

Watch out for the level 35 earthcallers with the level 30 elementals. You don¡¯t really want to fight them! You¡¯ll know your about halfway there when you turn Unfriendly with the Gelkis. The Gelkis will stay neutral to you and not attack on sight the entire time you are doing this.

Now head east, past Sneed and turn in the quest to the Magram and get the next phase, Kolkar. The Magram village is at the end of the road heading east, just leave the road and move southeast when the road curves sharply north. Find Warug, who is in the foothills at the northeast end of the lakes their village is situated around (point 6).

The Kolkar are just north of the Magram (don¡¯t run back to the road) so you should immediately complete this quest (point 7). If you stay close to the mountains on your right (as you head north) you¡¯ll come to the southeast corner of the Kolkar village. Kill them as needed to complete the quest, but don¡¯t go and turn this in yet.

After the Kolkar, return to Bibbly and turn in Kodo Bones (point 3). After Bibbly, head due west on the main mid Desolace road which will bear northwest. The road kind of ends but continue that direction till you get to the tower. Bear to the right of the tower and get the scepter of light quest (point . The treasure quest is picked up at the same place the chest for Karlito¡¯s Treasure is. It¡¯s a small boat on the beach southwest of the tower.

Start killing the drysnaps (pincer or crawler) till they drop the silver key. They are south along the coast and in the water. The naga (north in water) have the gold key. I had to kill only 3 Drysnaps. Watch out for the Deepstrider Searcher just off the shore while doing this. He¡¯s a 39 elite giant.

Now is when you get to use the potion of underwater breathing. Most of the drysnaps can be killed from the shore. Once you enter the water for them (or for the nagas) use the potion. The drop can be slow (for nagas or drysnaps) so you might need to be down there a while. Took me 15 minutes to get both keys to drop.

We¡¯re done with this phase. Your bags should be bursting and your armor in need of repair! Hearth back to Nijel¡¯s and turn in a ton of quests! Pick up the new quest from Brother Anton.

If you did not ding 34 on that route, something is REALLY wrong! You should easily be half way to 35 by the time you finish turning in the quests.

Phase 2

Immediately upon leaving kill the scorpashi that hang out near Nijel¡¯s. As you make your way back to Thunder Axe Fortress, kill any additional scorpashi that you find. It¡¯s the big walled fortress at the top of the hill (point 1). There¡¯s a smaller group that might be mistaken as the fortress next to it but a bit to the north. The fortress entrance is on the east side going up the hill.

Immediately upon entering the gates of the Fortress, turn left. You need to clear your way up this watchtower and kill the Seer at the top. You can clear it as you climb. At the top there will be 2 guards outside the room. Pull the one going to the right around the top room, then double back around the other way to kill the one on the left.

Use ¡°/target burning blade seer¡± to make sure you are killing the right mob first when you enter the room. When the seer dies, loot him immediately so that the quest item is yours and then kill the 2nd mob. Should be able to kill both without dying but if you die, at least that quest is done. This is the scepter that you need for Scepter of Light.

Now make your way into the main building, which is the large round building. There is a smaller round building that you will visit shortly. As long as you pull carefully you¡¯ll pretty much just get 1 mob at a time. Occasionally 2. There is 1 patrol that circles the interior hallway of this building. Once you reach Vahlarriel she sends you to find her brother in the next building.

He is now evil. Kill him and return to her. Again, this should be fairly easy if you pull carefully. Turn the quest into her and then escort her out of the fortress. The escort isn¡¯t too bad, just try to stay a bit ahead of her. She¡¯s level 35 and will fight with you so you should not have a problem completing this quest.

When done, run out west to the tower and turn in the Scepter quest (point 2). Now it¡¯s time for another long jog. You¡¯re heading back to the Magram to turn in the Kolkar quest. Run south on the road that leads to the kodo graveyard. As you reach the graveyard you can enter, and move counterclockwise along the edge until you exit the east side. You should find 3 aged kodos to kill here for the quest. As you leave the graveyard you sho
