How do I browse for items to purchase?

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How do I browse for items to purchase

Upon opening the auction window you should be on the "Browse" tab. In this menu you have several different options for sorting items.

- You may type in a partial or full item name under the 'Name' search box.

- You may sort by item level range. (Min
- Max).

- You may sort by item quality level. (Poor, Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, etc).

- You may sort by 'Usable Items', which removes items that your character is unable to use.

You may also use the 'Filtering System' to search by a specific category of items. Such categories include; Weapon, Armor, Container, Trade Goods, Recipe, and Reagent. Most categories contain more detailed sub-folders such as Daggers or Two-Handed Swords underneath the Weapon Category.

All of these search options allow for easy sorting and navigation through the various items other players have put up for auction.
