World of Warcraft Guild Rank Permissions

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Guild Management Guild Control Guild Banks Create Guild Rules Guild Tips Guild Rank Permissions Positive Guild Behavior Guild Commands Guild Tabards
Below the Rank Label is a set of check boxes for permissions. Toggle each box to set what each rank is allowed to do.

Guildchat Listen - Player is able to listen to conversations in Guild Chat. You would uncheck this option if you wanted to prevent a rank from being able to read conversation in guild chat.
Guildchat Speak - Player is allowed to type in the guild chat channel.
Officerchat Listen - Allow players to listen to conversations in the special officer chat channel.
Officerchat Speak - Allow players to type messages into the officer chat channel.
Promote - Players can promote other players in the guild.
Demote - Players can demote other players in the guild.
Invite Member - Players can invite other players to the guild.
Remove Player - Players can remove players from the guild.
Set Motd - Player is able to change the guild message of the day.
Edit Public Note - Player is able to edit public notes. If you uncheck this box the player is not able to edit public notes.
View Officer Note - Player is able to view special notes on each player written by officers or other authorized members of the guild.
Edit Officer Note - Player is able to modify hidden officer notes under each player.
Modify Guild Info - Players is able to modify guild information.
Withdraw Gold (gold/day) - Amount of gold a guild member of that rank can withdraw per day.

Guild Bank Tab - Modify ranks permissions for the guild bank for each bank tab:
View Tab - Able to look at items bank tab (for each tab)
Deposit Items - Is able to put items in bank tab (for each tab)
Widthdraw Items(stacks/day) - How many items can be withdrawn per day (for each tab)
