Becoming a Spellfire Tailor

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Bring a sample of Nether-wraith Essence to Gidge Spellweaver in Shattrath's Lower City.

*WARNING!* You can only select one tailoring specialization.
Nether-wraith Essence
Nether-wraith Beacon (Provided)
// ge('iconlist-icon1').appendChild(g_items.createIcon(31741, 0, 1)); ge('iconlist-icon2').appendChild(g_items.createIcon(31742, 0, 1)); //


I can teach you the ways of spellfire tailoring if you wish, but be warned, it's a dangerous pursuit.

Creating spellcloth in Netherstorm attracts powerful nether-wraiths. I'm searching for a way to lessen backlash, but I need more nether-wraith essence for my research.

Take this beacon with you to Netherstorm and use it to summon a nether-wraith. Bring back its essence and I'll agree to teach you. As a spellfire tailor, you'll receive twice as much cloth and have access to exclusive patterns.


Did you get the nether-wraith sample


<Gidge examines the nether-wraith essence.>

Even this small a sample of the creature's essence radiates power. Perhaps I misunderstood what's happening. We're not angering the wraiths by taking energy from the environment. Rather, the wraiths and the environment are the same thing!

Don't hesitate to let me know if you make any further discoveries, now that you've become a spellfire tailor.


You will learn:
Spellfire Tailoring
// ge('icontab-icon1').appendChild(g_spells.createIcon(26797, 1, 0)); //


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 9500 experience (or a 57 compensation at level 80)
  • 150 reputation with Lower City
